Quick start

A very simple Django application for:

  • Provide basic template features for mails subjects and bodies.

  • Provide needed infrastructure to let users dynamically (at run time) create/edit mails content used by applications.

  • Test created mail templates (Testing Mail Template).


django_mail_template is a very simple application to create mails templates with context variables, and then send mails with context variables replaced with values. Mails templates are created with Django admin interface.

For example, if context variables are: first_name and last_name, while cycling a collection of people (clients, providers, and like) is possible to send a mail to each of them using their first name and last name by replacing the context variables in MailTemplate’s body or subject:

Dear {first_name} {last_name} have a great new year!!!

Also with indirect use between MailTemplate and Configuration is possible to change at run time the mail template mapped to a piece of code through a Configuration instance.

For example, create two mail template: one with christmas greeting text and subject, and other mail template with new year greeting text and subject. Then the same process (code) can be used to send christmas and new year greeting to all people just by changing the MailTemplate associated with the Configuration pointed by the code.

Change which mail template is used by which process in Django admin interface.

Works with


1) Django’s email docs specify all requirements for sending mail with django.core.mail (Django email).

2) django_mail_template uses Django admin site, check official documentation for it’s requirements: Django admin site.

3) django_mail_template uses Django CKEditor to let write rich text MailTeamplate.

Quick start

Installation and configuration

  1. Install django_mail_template from pypi:

pip install django-mail-template

2. Add ‘django_mail_template’ and ‘ckeditor’ to your INSTALLED_APPS:


3. Run migrations:

python manage.py migrate

4. Run the collectstatic management command:

python manage.py collectstatic

Use Django Mail Template

1. Direct use

You can simple use django_mail_template to send mails:

from django_mail_template.models import MailTemplate

mail_template = MailTemplate(title="A mail Title", from="a@b.com",
                             subject="Django Mail Template quick start.")

2. Template features

django_mail_template’s basic template feature is based in variables replacement with Python string format:

from django_mail_template.models import MailTemplate

mail_template = MailTemplate.create(
    title="First mail template",
    subject="Hello {client}.",
    body="Dear {client}: We are delivering your {product}."

mail_template.to = ["bobtheclient@c.com"]
mail_template.send({"client": "Bob TheClient",
                    "product": "Great product"})

Administrative users can create or edit MailTemplate using Django admin site and redact text using Python string format.

3. Indirect use

Is also possible to use an indirect call through Configuration data model. In Django admin site (or by code) you can create:

a_mail_template_greeting = MailTemplate.objects.create(
    title="First mail template",
    subject="Hello {client}.",
    body="Dear {client}: We wish you {greeting}.")

configuration = Configuration.objects.create(

Then in code

from django_mail_template.models import Configuration

mail_template = Configuration.get_mail_template("clients_greeting")
# Cycle through clients
    mail_template.to = client.email
    mail_template.send({"client": client.name,
                        "greeting": "A great mew year!!!"})

4. Django admin interface

When django_mail_template is installed, and migrations applied, Django admin site will expose to administrative users a new section with title Django Mail Template. User can manage MailTempaltes and Configurations from there:

  • MailTemplate: Users can redact mails (create, edit, delete).

  • Configuration: If code points to Configurations (indirect use), administrative users can change mapped MailTemplate to use new mail template without changing code.

  • Test created mail templates (Testing Mail Template).