

Create a Configuration to map a process name with a MailTemplate. This let developer to create an algorithm that use a process name for sending emails while users maps MailTemplates with Configurations at run time through Django admin site.

In short word an administrative user can create/update application’s mails at run time.

Map process with data models

Is also possible to use MailTemplate with other data model to get more dynamic capabilities. For example, book model with a audience field (process name) will let to send different mails to the different audiences. And the mails sent to each audience can be changed without the need to modify the code.

class Book(models.Model):
    audience = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True, blank=True)

The upper example will let a user to use admin GUI to change the audience mapped with each book. The next example show a possible code:

from django_mail_template.models import Configuration

foreach book in Book.objects.all():
    mail_template = Configuration.get_mail_template(book.audience)
    if mail_template:
        # Do something and send mail

In upper example each instance (book) can use a different MailTemplate. The mail to be sent to each audience can be specific. If the audience are kids, one type of mail will be used, but if the audience are seniors other type of mail will be used. And both type of mail, and their content, can be changed in Django admin site without modifying the code of the application:

  • Changing the value of audience field of a book.

  • Changing or editing the mapped MailTemplate.

List Fields

Fields like To, Cc, Bcc, and Reply-to requires a list or tuple of addresses separated with comma but with django_mail_template is possible to give values to this fields when creating a MailTemplate in Django admin interface or by creating objects with code. Because of this, this fields (To, Cc, Bcc, and Reply-To) accept address separated with comma (as CharField do not accept list), then MailTemplate during the sending process will convert this fields in lists with coma separated addresses.