Source code for django_mail_template.models

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import gettext
from ckeditor.fields import RichTextField
from import (replace_context_variable,

[docs]class MailTemplate(models.Model): #: Title for mail template title = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Title'), max_length=100, help_text=_('A title to identify the mail template.')) #: Field with destiny email address. to = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('To'), max_length=1000, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('A list with email addresses separated with coma.') ) #: Field with email's destinies to be copied. cc = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Copy to'), max_length=1000, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('A list with email addresses separated with coma ' 'to be used in the "Cc" header.')) #: Field with email's destinies to be blind copied. bcc = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Blind copy'), max_length=1000, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('A list with email addresses separated with coma to be ' 'used in the "Bcc" header.')) #: Field with sender (from) email address. from_email = models.EmailField( verbose_name=_('From'), help_text=_("Sender's email address.")) #: Subject for the mail. Context variable can be used subject = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Subject'), max_length=140, help_text=_('Subject text for the mail. Context variable can be used.') ) body = RichTextField( verbose_name=_('Body'), blank=True, null=True, max_length=5000, help_text=_('The content of the mail. Context variable can be ' 'used.')) #: Field with email's reply to. reply_to = models.CharField( verbose_name=_('Reply to'), max_length=1000, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('A list with email addresses separated with coma to be ' 'used in the "Reply-To" header.')) description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_('Description'), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_('Description of the mail template.')) class Meta: verbose_name = _('Mail Template') verbose_name_plural = _('Mails Templates') def __str__(self): return self.title
[docs] def clean(self): if clean_address_list(, _('To')) if clean_address_list(, _('Copy')) if self.bcc: clean_address_list(self.bcc, _('Blind copy')) if self.reply_to: clean_address_list(self.reply_to, _('Reply to'))
[docs] def send(self, context=None): """ When sending an email a set of attributes will be required. The required attributes are mainly dictated by django.core.mail used to send mail: * Message or body. * Subject. * Recipients list or to. * From email :param context: A dictionary with context variables to be used with the subject and the message. :return: A tuple (result, message) where result is a boolean indicating if mail could be sent or not. An a message in case the mail could not be sent the message will be the reason. This could have future uses if logging is implemented. """ subject = self.subject body = self.body if context is None: # Needed whe no context is received so no replacement is tried. pass elif not isinstance(context, dict): raise ValueError(_('The argument for send method must be a ' 'mapping.')) else: subject = replace_context_variable(text=self.subject, context_variable=context) body = replace_context_variable(text=self.body, context_variable=context) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject=subject, from_email=self.from_email, to=clean_address_list(, cc=clean_address_list(, bcc=clean_address_list(self.bcc), reply_to=clean_address_list(self.reply_to) ) msg.body = body msg.attach_alternative(body, 'text/html') return msg.send()
[docs]class Configuration(models.Model): process = models.CharField(max_length=200) mail_template = models.ForeignKey(MailTemplate, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True) description = models.TextField( verbose_name=_("Description"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Description for configuration. This description can " "contain the contextual variables that are expected to " "be used in associated MailTemplates.")) class Meta: verbose_name = _('Configuration') verbose_name_plural = _('Configurations') def __str__(self): str_ = '{} - '.format(self.process) if self.mail_template: str_ += str(self.mail_template) else: str_ += gettext('No mail template') return str_ @staticmethod def get_mail_template(process): try: return Configuration.objects.get(process=process).mail_template except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None